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Transition to Grad School

Expectations, Unknowns, New teacher, New Responsibilities, etc.

Jessica shares her story. Please share your story, as well.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Jessica moved from a small university with a warm, encouraging violin teacher (who nourished his students spiritually as well as musically) to a major conservatory in a big, eastern city.

“When the time came to leave my teacher and “kindred spirit” friends of four years, the heaviness in my heart grew and grew. What I didn’t realize was HOW rough it would be. As a senior I had thought once I made it to my dream school, life would be perfect. Everything would make sense and I would FINALLY be able to do what I wanted to do: music all day! My busy summer passed and before I knew it, I was beginning my life in grad school. From the start, I felt so overwhelmed and full of insecurity. I hadn’t taken into account the change in responsibility from undergrad to grad school. The role of the teacher is monumentally different. I had the freedom to make so many choices. Basically, there is far less guidance and much more pressure on the student to figure everything out. I am beginning to realize that the responsibility does not have to be intimidating, but rather it can be seen as an exciting challenge. For now, I am striving to be as responsible in my craft as I can. It has been a wonderful journey and I am excited for all He has in store for me.”

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