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Classical Christian Colleagues

“But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another…” I John 1:7



Helping Christian classical musicians to connect


Thirty-plus years of ministry with the Christian Performing Artists’ Fellowship and the MasterWorks Festival has given the Kavanaughs the privilege to know hundreds of Christian musicians in dozens of cities.


May we help you?

Example: If you are a Christian musician in Timbuktu, and we are asked if we know a Christian bassoonist in Mali, we will message you. If you choose, we will help you connect.


Café Jubalatte will keep any information you send us confidential, to be shared only by your  request.


Within the Café Jubalatte community

Share your contact info below.


To include or not to include, at your discretion:

Name, Instrument/voice, Email, Phone, City, School and/or music organization, Favorite five composers.

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