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A Musician's Steadfast Heart

Most musicians agree that the life of an artist does not quite fit a "normal 8-5 life". Hours of tedious practicing, lessons, teaching, rehearsals, auditions, gigs, rushing to and fro, crazy hours, boarding airplanes with your instrument, wondering how to pay bills, etc…

How do we manage our lives with our priorities in order?

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

His mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.”

Lam. 3:22-23

King David knew the holy scriptures, and he knew his Lord would never fail him.

In Psalm 57:7, King David declares his priorities.

“My heart is steadfast, O God,

My heart is steadfast;

I will sing and make music.”

His heart was yielded to God before he made music.

His music was thanksgiving and praise to God.

Just like us, David had his flaws and failures, but his heart was so filled with love for God,

he could not help but to sing and make music. Furthermore, making music helped free David from his burden of sin.

As Christian musicians, our hearts must be steadfast for Jesus Christ.

Only then, can we truly sing and play from our hearts for the glory of God.

Within our hectic musical lives,

  • How do we develop and maintain a steadfast heart?

  • How does our music come forth from our single-purpose hearts?

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